How To Get That Promotion You’ve Always Wanted – A Step-by-Step Guide

Excellent work performance, current skills, and experience are must-haves to earn a promotion in most workplaces. They are not the only measures you can take to get noticed, though. In this blog, we’ll look at 8 steps to get you that promotion you’ve always wanted.

The 8-Step Guide to The Promotion You’ve Always Wanted:

1. Become a valuable asset

Employers want to see employees contributing to their company and adding value. If you’re looking for a promotion, you want to make yourself worth it. Make the effort to improve your skills and broaden your knowledge so you can deliver better results for the company. Volunteer for additional responsibilities and participate in a variety of company activities.

2. Raise your visibility

Management can’t reward what they can’t see, put yourself in a visible position. Look for opportunities to showcase your skills and knowledge. Volunteers for projects that allow you to stretch a bit, too. And make sure you always present yourself positively and professionally.

3. Practice good work habits

Setting and achieving goals, staying organized, showing up on time and ready to work, and reducing your distractions are all ways to bring you’re a-game and practice good work habits that get you noticed.

4. Be a positive force

Staying positive and being a great team player always makes a good impression. Acknowledging and applauding your team’s hard work and accomplishments demonstrates great leadership potential.

5. Observe successful co-workers

If you want to find ways to get promoted, observe the employees who have succeeded before you. Look for the traits, habits, and achievements that helped them advance so you understand what you need to get that promotion.

6. Encourage feedback from supervisors

The best place to go for promotion advice? Your manager or supervisor. Not only do they understand what you are capable of, but they can give you the insight and advice you need to move forward successfully.

7. Stay motivated

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get promoted right away. The key is to demonstrate your value as an employee consistently. Stay positive, stay motivated, and don’t give up.

8. Be aware of optics

Finally, always be mindful of how things may look to others. Putting up your feet on your desk during lunch isn’t harmful, but if your boss sees you doing it every single day, it may make a poor impression. Be professional and remember that if you’re looking to advance, management is also likely looking to promote. Be remembered for the right reasons.


Pursuing a promotion takes determination, dedication, and confidence. Following the steps above, you can put yourself well on the road to getting the promotion you deserve.

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