Job Hunting in Uncertain Times: Overcoming the Challenges of 2023 Unemployment

Finding a new job requires determination, patience, and adaptability. This is especially true during an economic downturn when the challenges of job hunting are even more complicated. If you are laid off and job hunting during these uncertain times, read on for practical advice and tips to help you during your search.

What is a Recession?

Though not as severe as an economic depression, a recession is a significant economic downturn. Recessions usually lower the gross domestic product (GDP), which measures the value of goods and services produced by industries within a specific time frame. When the GDP is low, the value of products and services decreases, forcing many businesses to reorganize their structures to save money. One way they accomplish this is through layoffs.

How to Find a Job During a Recession

Even as industries downsize to cut costs, finding a job during tough economic times is still possible. Keep these tips in mind as you search:

1. Focus on successful and growing industries

Some industries may not experience substantial changes during an economic downturn; some may even see growth because of the types of products and services they offer. Search for positions in growth and recession-proof industries, such as:

  • Business
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Food Manufacturing
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology
  • Research and Development

2. Focus on companies rather than job titles

Changes within a business may alter the titles for some job roles, so focus more on the companies themselves and the skills they need than the job title. You may find more jobs available by considering job titles outside those you are used to.

3. Look outside your career or industry

Your skills and knowledge can be transferable between industries. While a complete change in career may not be possible, you may have many valuable skills to offer other jobs that can help you apply to them.

4. Upgrade your skills

The more comprehensive your skill set is, the more job opportunities are available. There are many low and no-cost ways to develop and expand your current skill set. Take advantage of online resources, classes, library books, and podcasts about skills you are interested in.

5. Expand your network

Reaching out to your professional and personal network can be very helpful. These individuals may know of opportunities that have not been advertised. Plus, many companies offer employee referral incentives, so your network may actually benefit from assisting you in your search for work.


Job hunting in a recession is challenging, but keeping the above tips in mind and maintaining a positive mindset can help you successfully secure a new position.

Are you struggling to find a new job in these tough economic times? Contact the experienced team at Career Foundations and start your search today!