How to Break Through Glass Ceilings: Strategies for Women in Male-Dominated Industries

Gender equality in the workplace continues to be a challenge in many industries. While pursuing a career in a male-dominated field may be difficult, women can and are breaking down barriers and overcoming obstacles to build successful careers.

If you are pursuing a new position in a male-dominated industry or are looking to make a career change, read on for some valuable tips and strategies to help you break through and achieve success.

Tip #1: Take a Leap of Faith

Though many work sectors are still predominantly male, many are making great efforts to improve their gender diversity and are encouraging women to apply. Even if you feel anxious applying for a role that doesn’t seem “normal” for women, take the plunge and apply. Remember that your skills and abilities speak for themselves.

Tip #2: Be Confident

While working in a male-dominated industry may be intimidating, remember that you earned your position based on education, experience, and skill. You are an equal player, so don’t be intimidated. Show confidence in yourself and your work. Be open to feedback and discussion, and never avoid unpleasant conversations when necessary.

Tip #3: Make the Most of Every Opportunity

There is a demonstrable confidence gap between the genders when it comes to job applications and job promotions. Men are more likely to apply for promotions, even when they do not meet all the qualifications, whereas women will hold back unless they meet 100% of the job requirements. If you want to succeed in a male-dominated industry, make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Be confident in your skills and abilities and go for it, whether it is a big promotion or the chance to showcase your ideas or accomplishments.

Tip #4: Seek Out a Mentor (Or Two)

If you still find the prospect of success in a male-dominated industry daunting, seek out a mentor for advice and guidance. A female mentor in a similar position understands your unique position and can provide valuable tips and advice. Also, consider a male mentor as well. Their perspective is potentially like-minded to your colleagues, and talking with them about your ideas and work-related queries may boost your confidence.

In time, consider becoming a mentor to others, offering them your experience and advice as they pursue careers in male-dominated industries. You can set a great example for the next generation of women in male-dominated fields, encouraging and supporting them as they make the most of their opportunities.


The face of many work industries is changing, with more and more women pursuing careers in traditionally male jobs. While pursuing these careers may be challenging, they can be overcome with the right mindset and strategies.

Are you looking for a new job in a traditionally male-dominated industry? Career Foundations can help you pursue your new career path! Contact us today!